Driftwood: Harlan Hubbard in the American Grain

Under contract with University Press of Kentucky
Proposed publication Spring 2023

Harlan Hubbard was an early pioneer in coexisting with and celebrating the natural world through sustainable living practices, thoughtful exploration, immersive experience, and artistic expression. Driftwood will expand the public’s understanding of Hubbard’s family genealogy and relationships, his education and creative development, and his theories on art, literature, and philosophy. It will link Hubbard to other kindred spirits by re-examining his understanding of American experience in landscape as expressed through: America’s pioneers, naturalists, philosophers and poets, and artistic innovators. Driftwood will also reseal the sociological importance of Hubbard’s art and writing as both a record of shantyboat culture and as an example of early advocacy for modern environmentalist and sustainability movements.

To learn more or support the ongoing research, visit www.harlanhubbardintheamericangrain.com or follow @driftwoodharlanhubbard on Instagram and Facebook.